
Good Friday at 3 O’Clock

We pray you’re having a beautiful Easter weekend filled with resurrection life!

Because of the Cross

you and I can enter the very presence of God in worship

As Donna, Wes and I stood outside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem waiting to go through the door on the left in the photo, I kept thinking about the miracle of what Christ accomplished.

We were about to see Golgotha, the place inside the church traditionally recognized as the location where Jesus was crucified.

Old City, Jerusalem; October, 2018

For hundreds of years before Jesus, only the high priest of Israel could go beyond the veil to enter the Presence of God in the Holy of Holies. And this happened just once per year.

When Jesus lifted His voice to cry out “It is finished,” and draw His final breath, the heavy curtain in the temple—the barrier around the Holy of Holies—was torn from top to bottom.

God made a way for all to enter His Holy Presence.

Our goal in worship is to go through the torn curtain and experience what Jesus paid for: Access into the Presence of God. The Bible tells us this happened around three o’clock in the afternoon. This is the meaning behind our name.

In the moment just before entering the church we happened to look at Donna’s watch and I snapped this picture:

At the cross, Jesus paid the price to wipe out our debt of sin, so we can have direct access to our Heavenly Father (Eph. 2:17-18).

The cross is our personal invitation from Jesus.

He invites each of us to have a THREE O’CLOCK SESSION.


Video message from Dave

What’s So Good About Good Friday?

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Cross the Bridge of Worship

While our family was facing a life-threatening health crisis several years ago, a friend prayed for us, then said: “WORSHIP WILL BECOME THE LAND BRIDGE YOUR FAMILY WILL WALK ACROSS INTO HEALING.” That’s exactly what happened.

Something profound takes place when you experience some of the hardest stuff life can bring, and you just—continue—to—worship. God comes near. We are transformed in His Presence.

As we share our music and thoughts here, THREE O’CLOCK SESSION would like to invite you to take the journey across the bridge of worship with us… into a realm where the constraints of life are left behind. Enter into an intimate, transforming session with your Creator… the One who knows and loves you like no other.

Click here to read our full story.

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